Top 10 List to Rethink Health Care This Fall
Client Chrissy making strides in her physical wellness at the track!
This Fall, let’s re-imagine the concept of health care. Let’s be proactive, let’s find more natural and organic ways to help and heal. Let’s think differently. Let’s start here with my top 10 list.
The Mighty Micro and Macro! Boost the immune system by adding micronutrients such as Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and the super spice that contains over 300 components and micros, Turmeric. Then add your macro seasonal B superfoods like Butternut Squash, Brussels Sprouts and Beets! Simply sprinkle some EVOO, salt and pepper on the veggies and roast them in 400 degree oven for about 25-30 minutes. Enjoy!
Add “Relax” to Your Calendar. With the shorter days ahead, light up your bathroom with some candles, warmup the tub, and sprinkle in some Epsom Salt to relax muscles, loosen joints, allow yourself to decompress from the day. Then you can reboot, and recharge!
Put the Brain on Vacation! Scorpio Season is on the way (October 22nd-November 21) which enhances passion and psychic abilities, so it’s a great time to pack up “mind-made” brain thoughts, send them to Tahiti, and work on your neglected inner intelligence and intuition.
…Then Invite the Brain Back in With Brain Booster in the Frequency app. Once we understand our soul's purpose from connecting with our inner intelligence, then we can invite the brain to the party. This musical 222 Hz base frequency with a beat frequency of 14.1Hz is associated with repairing the brain and helps accelerate the healing process.
Commit to Connective Tissue with Yin Yoga. Yang Yoga is the more common yoga addressing the muscles. By holding poses longer, Yin Yoga helps open up the connective tissue and takes you on a deeper emotional, physical and energetic journey. Think micro here to help you more wholistically.
Try…whatever you’re saying you can’t do, but you are compelled to do, just try! If it doesn’t resonate, then simply shift your energy elsewhere. This is very different than quitting. So don’t be afraid to start something you may not finish. You never know, unless you try.
Be Thankful. As we continue on our healing journey, we start to replace pain and suffering with love and gratitude. This Thanksgiving, try to show more love, acceptance, and bring your higher vibrational self to the dinner table. Your energy will be contagious and will elevate others into a healthier conversation.
Give the Gift of Wellness. With supply chain issues in the more traditional gift items this year, it's a perfect time to plan something different that will last for years to come. For example, the Meta 180 gift card can be used for yoga classes, private Reiki sessions, personal resistance training sessions and more that can get anyone jump started on their New Year’s Resolution goals.
Elevate Your Senses & Your Mood. Add essential oils like the luxurious floral Ylang Ylang and the warming Sacred Frankincense to your collection from Young Living. These heavier scented oils used in the Fall/ Winter help one transition into the longer darker days. These will keep your vibration higher and your spirits upbeat. (P.S. I can help with ordering and possibly passing on a quantity discount)
Balance, Balance, Balance!…physically, emotionally and energetically. We still have another week or so of Libra season which favors balance. If you tend to spend a lot of time exercising, shift a bit more time to meditating and add Reiki into your regimen. If you find yourself taxing out your emotional side, shift a bit more time to exercising and Reiki. Now, the one thing that is not too common in people is spending too much time tapping into their energy space! Most people need to work more in this area.
How can I help you today? Let’s set you up with a free consultation right away.