My winter vegetables from the local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) are coming to an end. I’ve enjoyed making hearty soups with my tubers, carrots and Bok Choy, braising my hearty Swiss chard and making warm cozy Shepards Pie with the abundance of potatoes but the seasons are changing. March 20th started Spring. The harvest will now include artichokes, spinach and kale and lots of fresh salad greenery to kick off Kapha time, the switch in Ayurvedic tradition, for lighter, pungent, and bitter foods. It is time to detox the liver now that we don’t have to rely on fattier foods to keep us warm.
Read MoreA Journey into Healing and Manifestation : From mastering energy medicine to alchemizing pain, how self-belief, mindfulness, and manifestation can transform lives and elevate the human experience
Read MoreAll things Spring is a big push forward helping our wellness in many ways.
But did you know…it’s also the Astrological New Year!
Read MoreTis the season for a multitude of holiday celebrations. These include Diwali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Festivus (for the rest of us, thank you Seinfeld), New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. From a Holistic and Lightworker perspective, these holidays are not just about GIVING…but about Giving, Love, and Light!
Read More…Today it was dark. Or shall I say darker. There was still some light. The white orb of the gorgeous last quarter Moon was still shining high in the sky with Venus glimmering bright near by. But it’s different.
Ah, it’s about that time. Time for seasonal change.
So let’s go through some easy ways to prepare ourselves for healthy change into sweater weather.
Read MoreStudies show that 89% of primary care visits are stress induced. Here are a few simple and quick ways to help transform the energy causing stress, to shift into vitality.
…Let’s raise the bar on our healthcare and approach this Spring with a good cleaning of our diet house. The number one controllable thing we can do to prevent, and perhaps reverse chronic disease is nutrition. Plus, with good nutritional habits leading our lifestyle medicine, other areas of improving our health will be easier to incorporate such as exercise, meditation, and other stress reducing methods.
Read MoreWe have a mind and we choose what to put in it. So why don’t we focus on high vibrational concepts and feelings of happiness, love, and kindness so that we can always appreciate…
Read MoreGratitude as an Attitude.
Anita has been with me through thick and thin. We started our relationship as she was my yoga student pre-pandemic. She stayed with me online as I morphed to zoom yoga during the pandemic, and she emergd as one of my beautiful healing clients through out the past few years. Here are a few thougths about her journey
Read MoreWhat western and eastern treatments have you added to battle long COVID-19?
As a Nurse-Researcher, I am always asking questions and always looking for answers. When long-covid hit home…having taken up residence in my own body, completely altering my life, I made a conscious decision to approach the situation holistically. Western medicine was not enough. The twice-a-day maintenance inhaler (and prn rescue inhaler) certainly helped my breathing, but didn’t get me off the couch. I was barely functioning. Aside from the addition of strategic vitamins and nutrients such as, vitamin-D, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, bee-pollen, and eliminating inflammatory foods, I began weekly acupuncture, with expert guru Susan Dembo. It was working. I was able to take a full breath without wheezing. I could actually stand up long enough to cook a meal or do a load of laundry. Susan suggested that I contact Constance Korol, for reiki therapy. A similar feeling to acupuncture, I wasn’t quite sure ‘how’ reiki would help me…but I trusted my therapist. In my mind I was figuring…’oh, one session ought to do it’. What was I thinking? It’s been 4 months now of alternating acupuncture and reiki on a weekly basis. It is the best investment in my health that I have ever made.
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