Exhibit A: The Trauma
Throughout the years, I myself along with many people I know have experienced specific trauma or events in their lives that effected not only our mental capacity but physically and energetically as well. Trauma changes our DNA, effects the chemical releases in the body and causes changes to our physical body in fascia, muscles, in every organ and every system. That is why linear traditional psychotherapy doesn’t solve the problem. Drugs do not solve the problem. Coping mechanisms that we develop do not solve the problem.
The only way out, is to go in. Releasing all that subconcious trauma, releasing the blockages, understanding and gaining clarity of the darkness to get to the light.
Sometimes this trauma is passed on generation after generation, and the coping skills seem to repeat.
Healing the body is just the opposite. It is feeling once again. It is experiencing once again. It is not being afraid, ever again.
So through Reiki and body work called True Body Intelligence, the bodies become smarter, the obstacles become less and the growth is exponential. They finally connect to one another and work in synergy instead of against each other.
Your bodies get angry when they become so out of sorts, this is where the chonic disease, illness or physical injury finally surfaces. The warning signs were ignored, they had to scream at you to take notice.
Healing is no longer some hippie or evangelical thinking. It is the necessity to everything in life.