A New Decade Begins. Welcome Healing in 2020

If you have taken one of my many different yoga classes, this phrase is quite familiar as I say it in the beginning of every class… You have to get empty to make room for the new. With the New Year and New Decade upon us, it’s a great time to take EXTRA time in clearing out the cobwebs that live deep inside.

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Exhibit A: The Trauma

Throughout the years, I myself along with many people I know have experienced specific trauma or events in their lives that effected not only our mental capacity but physically and energetically as well. Trauma changes our DNA, effects the chemical releases in the body and causes changes to our physical body in fascia, muscles, in every organ and every system. That is why linear traditional psychotherapy doesn’t solve the problem. Drugs do not solve the problem. Coping mechanisms that we develop do not solve the problem….

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